Wednesday 19 February 2014

Quotes On Inner Beauty Tumblr Tagalog of A Girl Marilyn Monroe of Nature and Strength and Brains of LIfe and Simplicity on The Inside

Quotes On Inner Beauty Biography

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“Beauty comes as much from the mind as from the eye..
“True beauty could be discovered only by one who mentally complete the incomplete.“Honey, God loves you just as you are. As people who have been created by God, we are infinitely precious to Him because we are His creation. Regardless of our outward appearance, we are all made with that spiritual potential to relate directly to Him, spirit to Spirit……You may not look so favourably on your outward appearance, but when God looks at you, He sees His beautiful daughter. While God cares deeply about our own personal struggles with our outward appearances, whatever they may be, He cares even more for you. Your outward appearance does not change God’s acceptance of you, and it certainly does not change the way He feels about you.“Beauty is how you feel inside and it reflects in you eyes. It is not something physical.”
Beauty is simple reality seen with the eyes of love..
“The recipe for beauty is to have less illusion and more Soul, to retreat from the belief of pain or pleasure in the body into the unchanging calm and glorious freedom of spiritual harmony..
“The fountain of beauty is the heart and every generous thought illustrates the walls of your chamber..
“It’s a kind of radiance. People who possess a true inner beauty, their eyes are a little brighter, their skin a little more dewy. They vibrate at a difference frequency..
“Character contributes to beauty. It fortifies a woman as her youth fades. A mode of conduct, a standard of courage, discipline, fortitude, and integrity can do a great deal to make a woman beautiful..
“Everything is beautiful, but not everyone sees it..
“What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you..
“The most important thing I can teach my kids is that you can’t put your value in looks. Presence is based upon magnitude. You can pretend to have an air about you but it is quickly deflated, you cannot deflate presence. Presence walks into a room and surrounds and fills anything that’s in that room without trying to demand it, it takes over. It can come from a smile. Like I said, love makes you beautiful. What is beautiful radiates.”
“Beauty, to me, is about being comfortable in your own skin. That, or a kick-ass red lipstick..
“No matter how plain a woman may be, if truth and honesty are written across her face, she will be beautiful..
“Boys think girls are like books, If the cover doesn’t catch their eye they won’t bother to read what’s inside. .
The best part of beauty is that which no picture can express..
“When you’re a beautiful person on the inside, nothing in the world can change that about you. Jealousy is the result of one’s lack of self-confidence, self-worth, and self-acceptance. The Lesson: If you can’t accept yourself, then certainly no one else will..
“What’s the whole point of being pretty on the outside when you’re so ugly on the inside?” ~Jess C. Scott
“Outer beauty attracts, but inner beauty captivates..
“We see the beauty within and cannot say no..
“You are one thing only. You are a Divine Being. An all-powerful Creator. You are a Deity in jeans and a t-shirt, and within you dwells the infinite wisdom of the ages and the sacred creative force of All that is, will be and ever was..
“Nobody should be judged on their looks. Beauty is not found on the body but in the soul. The only thing the media has done is change the definition of the word. I mean being attractive may make it easier to catch some one but being kind and loving is how you keep some one. Also with make up its like putting on a mask some masks are creative and fun most others are just used to cover who you really are up. Be yourself.”
“That’s how powerful you are, girl…You pretty, but pretty alone is not what people see. You the kinda pretty, the kinda beauty, that’s like a mirror. Men and women see themselves in you, only now they so beautiful that they can’t bear to see you go..
“Happiness and confidence are the prettiest things you can wear”.
“True beauty could be discovered only by one who mentally complete the incomplete.” ~ Kakuzō Okakura
“Honey, God loves you just as you are. As people who have been created by God, we are infinitely precious to Him because we are His creation. Regardless of our outward appearance, we are all made with that spiritual potential to relate directly to Him, spirit to Spirit……You may not look so favourably on your outward appearance, but when God looks at you, He sees His beautiful daughter. While God cares deeply about our own personal struggles with our outward appearances, whatever they may be, He cares even more for you. Your outward appearance does not change God’s acceptance of you, and it certainly does not change the way He feels about you..
“Be patient. Your skin took a while to deteriorate. Give it some time to reflect a calmer inner state. As one of my friends states on his Facebook profile: “The true Losers in Life, are not those who Try and Fail, but those who Fail to Try.
“There are those who say that spiritual enlightenment is achieved through the denial of oneself; you must deny yourself many things, go and live in a mountaintop, never mingle with other people, talk to the birds..but I say to you, why should you dismantle your home? Where is the meaning in removing the bricks from your walls one by one? What is the purpose in uprooting your floors? Is there any significance in only allowing yourself a tin roof and a muddy bed? Why deny your house its structure? A truly enlightened soul is strong enough, is bright enough to live and shine through, even in a beautiful house! There is no need to ransack the house in order to see an inner beauty etched against a distraught surrounding. A bright and beautiful soul can shine forth even from inside an equally beautiful surrounding.”
Ultimate prosperity is one’s value within. It takes a man of depth, morality, and charm to be envied yet without a sign of wealth or romance. A passion to prove such inner worth is his permission to achieve whatever he desires.
“I know my best angles.
“There is nothing these hands can hold worth having. They cannot hold the moonlight, or the melody of a song, or even the beauty of a woman. They can touch her face, but not her beauty. Only the heart can hold such things.” 

Quotes On Inner Beauty Tumblr Tagalog of A Girl Marilyn Monroe of Nature and Strength and Brains of LIfe and Simplicity on The Inside

Quotes On Inner Beauty Tumblr Tagalog of A Girl Marilyn Monroe of Nature and Strength and Brains of LIfe and Simplicity on The Inside

Quotes On Inner Beauty Tumblr Tagalog of A Girl Marilyn Monroe of Nature and Strength and Brains of LIfe and Simplicity on The Inside


Quotes On Inner Beauty Tumblr Tagalog of A Girl Marilyn Monroe of Nature and Strength and Brains of LIfe and Simplicity on The Inside 

Quotes On Inner Beauty Tumblr Tagalog of A Girl Marilyn Monroe of Nature and Strength and Brains of LIfe and Simplicity on The Inside

Quotes On Inner Beauty Tumblr Tagalog of A Girl Marilyn Monroe of Nature and Strength and Brains of LIfe and Simplicity on The Inside

Quotes On Inner Beauty Tumblr Tagalog of A Girl Marilyn Monroe of Nature and Strength and Brains of LIfe and Simplicity on The Inside

Quotes On Inner Beauty Tumblr Tagalog of A Girl Marilyn Monroe of Nature and Strength and Brains of LIfe and Simplicity on The Inside

Quotes On Inner Beauty Tumblr Tagalog of A Girl Marilyn Monroe of Nature and Strength and Brains of LIfe and Simplicity on The Inside

Quotes On Inner Beauty Tumblr Tagalog of A Girl Marilyn Monroe of Nature and Strength and Brains of LIfe and Simplicity on The Inside

Quotes On Inner Beauty Tumblr Tagalog of A Girl Marilyn Monroe of Nature and Strength and Brains of LIfe and Simplicity on The Inside

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